In the first part of this work (I. Bercea, S. Cretu and N. Mitu, Wear,
188 (1995) 1-10) the dynamic equations of motion of both cage and rol
lers were derived by using vector matrix algebra for a tapered roller
bearing with a model with six degrees of freedom. To solve the differe
ntial equations a numerical iterative procedure was also developed. Th
is dynamic model is used in this paper to analyze the kinematic and fr
iction behaviour of an axial loaded tapered bearing. The internal load
distribution, bearing friction torque, cage slip, sliding speeds and
lubricant friction coefficients are calculated for various working con
ditions. A good fit was found between computed values and the experime
ntal data presented in the literature. Using the film thickness as an
optimisation criterion, deductions of optimal values of ratio R(s)/R(r
ib) were done.