In both radish and Arabidopsis, lateral root initiation involves a ser
ies of rapid divisions in pericycle cells located on the xylem radius
of the root, In Arabidopsis, the number of pericycle cells that divide
to form a primordium was estimated to be about 11, To determine the s
tage at which primordia are able to function as root meristems, primor
dia of different stages were excised and cultured without added hormon
es. Under these conditions, primordia that consist of 2 cell layers fa
il to develop while primordia that consist of at least 3-5 cell layers
develop as lateral roots, We hypothesize that meristem formation is a
two-step process involving an initial period during which a populatio
n of rapidly dividing, approximately isodiametric cells that constitut
es the primordium is formed, and a subsequent stage during which meris
tem organization takes place within the primordium.