We sought to determine the frequency and significance of axillary lymp
h node visualization on bone scans performed with diphosphonates. Meth
ods: Consecutive Tc-99m-methylene diphosphonate (Tc-99m-MDP) bone scan
s (2435) were inspected for axillary soft-tissue uptake. In positive c
ases, the results of physical examination, correlative imaging studies
and serial bone scans were recorded, as was the site of venipuncture.
Results: Forty-eight studies (2%) showed axillary uptake ipsilateral
to the injection site. Extravasation of tracer, documented by focal ac
tivity near the injection site, was present in every case. There was n
o association with axillary adenopathy, mass, induration or radiograph
ically visible calcification. On some images, foci adjacent to the axi
lla were superimposed on the rib, scapula, or humerus. The bone-to-bac
kground ratio was frequently reduced; repeat imaging after 1-2 hr usua
lly improved osseous detail. Conclusion: Ipsilateral axillary lymph no
de visualization due to extravasation of Tc-99m-MDP is frequently asso
ciated with additional foci superimposed on osseous structures simulat
ing pathology. Delayed skeletal uptake is common in such cases and nec
essitates a greater time interval between injection and imaging.