OBJECTIVE Osteomalacia associated with adult acquired Fanconi's syndro
me is thought to result from hypophosphataemia and relative 1,25-dihyd
roxyvitamin D deficiency. We have followed the clinical and diagnostic
features of patients with osteomalacia associated with adult Fanconi'
s syndrome, with particular emphasis on their responses to treatment w
ith calcium, phosphate and vitamin D. DESIGN Retrospective Mayo Clinic
case-note review from 1975 to 1994 and prospective follow-up study, c
ombined with literature review, PATIENTS Eleven patients (7 male, 4 fe
male) were identified who satisfied criteria for diagnosis of osteomal
acia and adult Fanconi's syndrome. Twenty-five additional patients wer
e identified in a literature review from 1954 to the present. METHODS
Clinical history and physical examination, serum and urine bone and mi
neral parameters, X-ray radiography and iliac crest bone histomorphome
try, RESULTS All patients presented with typical symptoms of osteomala
cia, including lower extremity or low back bone pain, and all had frac
tures, pseudofractures, and/or bone demineralization on X-ray radiogra
phy. Osteomalacia and Fanconi's syndrome were diagnosed concurrently i
n 10 patients, whereas osteomalacia preceded diagnosis of Fanconi's sy
ndrome by 5 years in one patient, Pretreatment bone biopsies in 9 of t
he 11 patients demonstrated increased osteoid surface, volume and widt
h. In the one patient labelled with tetracycline prior to biopsy, mine
ralization lag time was prolonged at 111 days (normal 19.2+/-1.0 days)
. Hypophosphataemia, inappropriately low 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D level
s, renal insufficiency, and chronic acidosis due to bicarbonate leak a
nd uraemia, contributed to the osteomalacia in these patients, Seconda
ry hyperparathyroidism was present in two patients, Eight of the 11 pa
tients with osteomalacia associated with Fanconi's syndrome had monocl
onal disorders, including multiple myeloma or lymphoma, many of them m
anifest by light-chain proteinuria. Over a mean patient follow-up peri
od of 46 months (range 1-239 months), patients responded symptomatical
ly to calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D replacement typically within 1
-6 months, In 8 patients in whom follow-up data were available, post-t
reatment serum phosphate and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels improved i
n the setting of stable mild renal insufficiency; only one patient dev
eloped end-stage renal failure after 20 years, suggesting that these p
atients do not invariably progress rapidly to renal failure. CONCLUSIO
NS Regardless of the underlying cause, osteomalacia associated with ad
ult acquired Fanconi's syndrome appears to respond well to calcium, ph
osphate, and vitamin D replacement. These patients do not appear to ne
cessarily require 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D replacement.