Along a 10-km length of coast north of the Mendocino triple junction,
a Neogene accretionary complex has been uplifted greater than or equal
to 2 km and tilted northward in response to the interaction of the so
uthern Juan de Fuca (Gorda) plate with the older North American and Pa
cific plates. These plate interactions were accompanied by tectonic in
tercalation of Miocene to Pliocene deposits of the southern Cascadia f
orearc (Wildcat Group), with penetratively deformed Oligocene to Mioce
ne accretionary prism deposits of the False Cape terrane (new name) an
d the Cretaceous to Eocene Coastal terrace of the Franciscan Complex.
North of Cape Mendocino, more than 2 km of stratigraphic section of th
e accretionary False Cape terrane crops out at beach level in an east-
west trending anticline and recumbent syncline. The folded False Cape
rocks are juxtaposed with forearc deposits to the north along the subv
ertical Russ shear zone. To the south, a second subvertical shear zone
truncates the False Cape terrane near the mouth of the Bear River. Th
is North Bear River shear zone interleaves rocks of the False Cape and
Coastal terranes with additional Neogene forearc deposits (the Bear R
iver beds). South of the North Bear River shear zone, the Bear River b
eds crop out for about 5 km in a continuous folded and imbricated sect
ion that is again truncated to the south by a third subvertical shear
zone. This South Bear River shear zone interleaves rocks of the Coasta
l terrane, the Bear River beds, and Pliocene to Pleistocene shelf depo
sits. Folding, tilting, and shear zone development reflect ongoing nor
th-south crustal shortening that has occurred in response to interplat
e coupling and wedge thickening in the deforming Miocene and younger a
ccretionary complex. The strain recorded in the accreted terranes and
in the forearc overlap assemblage reflects a stress regime unlike that
in Cascadia fold-and-thrust belt north of the Eel River syncline. Thu
s the deformation pattern may be unique to the triple junction area. T
he False Cape terrane is one of only two localities along the Cascadia
margin where the Oligocene to Miocene accretionary complex is exposed
on land. The other locality is that of the Hoh melange on the southwe
st Olympic Peninsula. On-land exposure of accretionary rocks in these
two areas is a consequence of high uplift rates, focused compression,
and triple-junction tectonism. Framework grain composition data for sa
ndstones in the Hoh melange and coeval continental deposits in norther
nmost California (the Oligocene to Miocene Weaverville Formation) sugg
est a provenance link, while sandstone of the False Cape terrane, pres
ently situated directly west of the Weaverville Formation, is dissimil
ar. Given the northward component of Farallon (Juan de Fuca) plate tra
nslation with respect to North America for the past 20 m.y., provenanc
e links of Hoh and Weaverville sandstones might reflect a substantial
component of northward translation between the Farallon and North Amer
ican plates that was accommodated within the accretionary prism.