The primary objective of this review was to assess the size and consis
tency of Royal Jelly (RJ) effect on serum lipids in experimental anima
ls and humans. The data from animal studies were pooled, where possibl
e, and statistically evaluated by Student's t-test. Meta-analysis was
used for the evaluation of human trials. It was found that RJ signific
antly decreased serum and liver total lipids and cholesterol levels in
rats and rabbits and also retarded the formation of atheromas in the
aorta of rabbits fed a hyperlipemic diet. Meta-analysis of the control
led human trials of RJ to reduce hyperlipidemia showed a significant r
eduction in total serum lipids and cholesterol levels and normalizatio
n of HDL and LDL as determined from decrease in beta/alpha lipoprotein
s. The best available evidence suggests that RJ at approximately 50 to
100 mg per day, decreased total serum cholesterol levels by about 14%
, and total serum lipids by about 10% in the group of patients studied