An imbalance between the overall strain experienced during exercise tr
aining and the athlete's tolerance of such effort may induce overreach
ing or overtraining syndrome. Overtraining syndrome is characterised b
y diminished sport-specific physical performance, accelerated fatiguab
ility and subjective symptoms of stress. Overtraining is feared by ath
letes yet there is a lack of objective parameters suitable for its dia
gnosis and prevention. In addition to the determination of substrates
(e.g. lactate, ammonia and urea) and enzymes (e.g, creatine kinase), t
he possibilities for monitoring of training by measuring hormonal leve
ls in blood are currently being investigated. Endogenous hormones are
essential for physiological reactions and adaptations during physical
work and influence the recovery phase after exercise by modulating ana
bolic and catabolic processes. Testosterone and cortisol are playing a
significant role in metabolism of protein as well as carbohydrate met
abolism. Both are competitive agonists at the receptor level of muscul
ar cells. The testosterone/cortisol ratio is used as an indication of
the anabolic/catabolic balance. This ratio decreases in relation to th
e intensity and duration of physical exercise, as well as during perio
ds of intense training or repetitive competition, and can be reversed
by regenerative measures. Correlations have been noted with the traini
ng-induced changes of strength. However, it seems more likely that the
testosterone/cortisol ratio indicates the actual physiological strain
in training, rather than overtraining syndrome. The sympatho-adrenerg
ic system might be involved in the pathogenesis of overtraining. Overt
raining appears as a disturbed autonomic regulation, which in its para
sympathicotonic form shows a diminished maximal secretion of catechola
mines, combined with an impaired full mobilisation of anaerobic lactic
reserves. This is supposed to lead to decreased maximal blood lactate
levels and maximal performance. Free plasma adrenaline (epinephrine)
and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) may provide additional information
for the monitoring of endurance training. While prolonged aerobic exer
cise conducted at intensities below the individual anaerobic threshold
lead to a moderate rise of sympathetic activity, workloads exceeding
this threshold are characterised by a disproportionate increase in the
levels of catecholamines. In addition, psychological stress during co
mpetitive events is characterised by a higher catecholamines to lactat
e ratio in comparison with training exercise sessions, Thus, the frequ
ency of training sessions with higher anaerobic lactic demands or of c
ompetition, should be carefully limited in order to prevent overtraini
ng syndrome. In the state of overtraining syndrome and overreaching, r
espectively, an intraindividually decreased maximum rise of pituitary
hormones (corticotrophin, growth hormone), cortisol and insulin has be
en found after a standardised exhaustive exercise test performed with
an intensity of 10% above the individual anaerobic threshold. This dis
turbed stress-response corresponds to findings with insulin-induced hy
poglycaemia in overtraining suggesting an impaired hypothalamic regula
tion. However, the role of hormones in the recovery phase and their ef
fect on the receptor and intracellular level remain to be better estab
lished. Reference values indicating a 'normal' exercise tolerance as w
ell as easier and less expensive laboratory methods are still lacking.
External factors influencing the hormonal blood levels require well-s
tandardised sampling conditions which are often difficult to realise i
n the training environment. The impaired exercise-induced maximal incr
ease of selected hormones and the potential consideration of the psych
ological stress component by hormonal measurements, however, represent
interesting basic findings which encourage future investigations.