The specificity of the antibody response to Haemophilus ducreyi in ser
a from patients attending a sexually transmitted disease clinic in Sou
th Africa has been studied using immunoblotting. Patients with chancro
id were shown to have higher levels of IgG (mean 0.74, SD 0.34) to H.
ducreyi than those with no history of chancroid (mean 0.34, SD 0.19).
The pattern of the antibody specificity was highly variable between pa
tients with culture proven chancroid but there was no observed strain
specificity. In comparison, the patterns obtained using sera from pati
ents without known exposure to H. ducreyi showed less Variation betwee
n patients and were of less intensity at the dilution used. Sera from
patients with chancroid recognised epitopes on proteins that varied in
molecular weight between strains, particularly of 60-66 kDa (10 of 36
patients) and 25-27 kDa (8 of 36 patients). In addition epitopes were
recognised on the GroEL and/or DnaK heat shock proteins in 13 of 36 s
era tested. There was no apparent change in the epitopes recognised on
proteins between the homologous and heterologous strains. Patterns of
antibody specificity in sequential sera only varied in one of six pat
ients tested. (C) 1995 Academic Press Limited