Delinquent adolescent boys, especially those looked after in residenti
al settings, often have a long history of coercive antisocial behaviou
r. Many have a history of aggression and violence, including serious s
exual offences such as rape and indecent assault. In light of the Crim
inal Justice Act 1991 the residential care sector will come under more
pressure to accommodate sexually aggressive recidivistic delinquents.
However, few staff who work in residential settings with delinquents
have received training in the management and treatment of sexually agg
ressive behaviour. Time spent in residential care settings may therefo
re do little to reduce the risk of sexual aggression. This paper propo
ses that the assessment and management of risk is central to the effec
tive rehabilitation of this group of young people. Based on work carri
ed out at Glenthorne Centre a risk assessment strategy is presented co
nsisting of several different strands: an analysis of organisational d
ecision-making; identification of sources and types of information to
inform decisions; the development and implementation of a risk assessm
ent protocol; and staff training. A case example is used to illustrate
the use of the protocol at Glenthorne.