The yeast diversity in a paleo-karstic lake of the Lagoa Santa plateau
was studied during March 1986-March 1987. Water samples were collecte
d monthly at five stations and the yeasts were isolated at 25 degrees
C on Sabourad dextrose agar supplemented with 0.5% of yeast extract an
d 10 mg% of chloramphenicol. August and February showed the highest nu
mbers of isolates, coinciding, respectively with the beginning and the
ending of stratification. Of 56 isolated species, Aureobasidium pullu
lans, Candida famata, Cryptococcus albidus, Cryptococcus laurentii, Rh
odotorula glutinis, Rhodotorula rubra and Trichosporon cutaneum occurr
ed at the highest frequencies. A. pullulans showed greatest prevalence
during the dry period (winter), whereas C. famata, Cr albidus, Cr lau
rentii and Rh. rubra were prevalent during the rainy season (summer).
Tr. cutaneum was distributed between July and November. Most isolates
yeasts are associated with plants and soils, and are important in deco
mposition of aquatic macrophytes. Furthermore, a possible role of thes
e species as indicators of pollution is discussed.