This study investigates male and female incubation ability in two mono
gamous Acrocephalus warblers with overlapping, equally sized territori
es and similar prey abundance. Given the longer breeding time window o
f the moustached warbler A. melanopogon compared with the reed warbler
(A. scirpaceus), the trade-off between the need for biparental care a
nd the cost of inefficient incubation is discussed. Hourly protocols a
nd egg temperature measurements were analyzed with regard to four prim
ary questions: male and female incubation ability, the role of environ
mental parameters, hatching success and the influence of male incubati
on on Female time allocation. In both species, males increase egg temp
erature per minute at a slower rate than do females. There is no speci
es difference ill the percentage of incubation per hour for males (20%
) or females (50%). Ambient temperature influences male incubation onl
y in the moustached warbler during the early season April when male in
cubation correlates with hatching success. The male reed warbler shows
daily temporal selectivity throughout the breeding season, increased
incubation during rainfall, and no correlation with hatching success.
In both species, females receive direct benefits of increased foraging
time through male incubation. However, only the female reed warbler a
djusts her incubation duration to previous male incubation. Thus; Fema
le reed warblers maximise the male component and thereby reduce the to
tal incubation phase with high male effort whereas the incubation phas
e is increased with above average male effort in-the moustached warble