Health care reform efforts highlighted the continuing scarcity of ment
al health services for the rural poor. Most mental health services are
provided in the general medical sector a concept first described by R
egier and colleagues in 1978 as the defacto mental health service syst
em, rather than through formal mental health specialist services. The
defacto system combines specialty mental health services with general
medical services such as primary care and nursing home care, ministers
and counselors, self-help groups, families, and friends. The nature o
f the de facto system in rural areas with large minority populations r
emains largely unknown due to minimal available data. This article exa
mines the availability, accessibility, and use of mental health servic
es in the rural South and the applicability of the defacto model to ru
ral areas. The critical need for data necessary to inform changes in h
ealth care relative to rural mental health service delivery is emphasi