IN THE LAST decade of the 18th century, Franz Joseph Call of Vienna in
vented a combination of physiognomy and brain localization that he ori
ginally called ''craniology'' (the science of the head) and later call
ed ''organology'' (the science of the organs of the brain). Between 18
00 and 1812, he worked with Johann Christoph Spurzheim on a variety of
important neuroanatomic studies to support this new science. By 1812,
when they parted company in Paris, Spurzheim had become intrigued wit
h the psychosocial potential of the undertaking, which he renamed ''ph
renology'' (the science of the mind). Because a phrenological examinat
ion (palpation of skull prominences) could provide an analysis of a pe
rson's strengths and weaknesses, Spurzheim thought that his system cou
ld lead to personal improvement for everyone, including the laboring c
lasses. He was thus a 19th century reformer, generally on the liberal
side of the political and social spectrum. Spurzheim spread his gospel
to Britain through several long lecture tours, and phrenology became
briefly popular through the efforts of other British reformers, especi
ally George Combe. In 1832, Spurzheim came to the United States. Three
months later, he died in Boston, a martyr to his cause. Phrenology th
en spread widely into American popular culture, encouraged by the entr
epreneurial efforts of ''the phrenological Fowlers'' and others like t
hem. By 1843, the entire Western scientific community rejected organol
ogy and phrenology. All forms of cerebral localization were lumped wit
h phrenology and similarly repudiated. Nonetheless, Call's organology
was the first comprehensive, premodern statement of a theory of cerebr
al localization. The early pioneers of modern localization, especially
Paul Broca and David Ferrier, were careful to define how their theori
es differed from phrenology, even as they provided the clinical and sc
ientific data that confirmed some of its basic tenets.