To define the developmental fate of two different stages of embryos ex
isting together in the mouse reproductive tract, different stages of f
resh and frozen-thawed embryos were transferred separately into the ov
iducts of identical recipients. ICR and FvB embryos were flushed from
the oviducts and/or uterus of superovulated females on Day 1 (2-4-cell
stage) and Day 2 (8-cell-morula stage) of pregnancy. Day 1 embryos we
re transferred separately to the right or left oviduct of recipients,
while the other oviduct received Day 2 embryos. There were no signific
ant differences between Day 1 and Day 2 embryos with respect to the nu
mber of implantation sites and live fetuses in either the fresh or fro
zen-thawed embryos. These results concerning to the embryonic stage we
re similar to those of control experiments, in which Day 1 or Day 2 em
bryos were transferred to both right and left oviducts of recipients.
Furthermore, no strain differences were observed in this study. No dev
elopmental retardation or anomalies were observed in fetuses derived f
rom either Day 1 or Day 2 embryos. The embryo transfer in this study r
evealed that differences in developmental stage at preimplantation wer
e synchronized by the maternal uterine environment.