C. Dye et Bg. Williams, MULTIGENIC DRUG-RESISTANCE AMONG INBRED MALARIA PARASITES, Proceedings - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 264(1378), 1997, pp. 61-67
Recent population genetic studies on the malaria parasite Plasmodium f
alciparum have confirmed that selfing is more frequent where the trans
mission rate is lower; with inbreeding coefficients estimated to be 0.
33 and 0.92 for sites in Tanzania and Papua New Guinea (PNG), respecti
vely. These geographical differences in Plasmodium mating patterns hav
e been linked to the rate of spread of chloroquine resistance (CQR) wh
ich, according to some measures, has been slower in Tanzania than in P
NG. It has been proposed that the former observation explains the latt
er, although the theoretical argument linking the two is based on limi
ted simulation studies. Taking a more analytical approach here, we fir
st establish the relevant relationship between the coefficient of inbr
eeding (F, within loci) and the recombination race (r, between loci),
defining an 'effective recombination rate', (r) over tilde = r-(1-F).
We then show that the em of multigenic drug resistance can indeed be s
lowed (or even quickened) by more outcrossing, but only when resistanc
e is determined by two or more genes, none of which independently conf
ers significant protection. The resistance genes should both be initia
lly rare, and subject to low selection pressure. The analysis does not
completely discount the hypothesis that inbreeding significantly infl
uences the spread of CQR, but we show that it can only do so under a r
estrictive set of conditions, and that these conditions are not satisf
ied by some laboratory and field data. We discuss some of the wider im
plications of these results for the evolution of multigenic resistance