We report the results of applying comparative genomic hybridization (C
GH) in a cytogenetic service laboratory for (1) determination of the o
rigin of extra and missing chromosomal material in intricate cases of
unbalanced aberrations and (2) detection of common prenatal numerical
chromosome aberrations. A total of 11 fetal samples were analyzed. Sev
en cases of complex unbalanced aberrations that could not be identifie
d reliably by conventional cytogenetics were successfully resolved by
CGH analysis. CGH results were validated by using FISH with chromosome
-specific probes. Four cases representing common prenatal numerical ab
errations (trisomy 21, 18, and 13 and monosomy X) were also successful
ly diagnosed by CGH. We conclude that CGH is a powerful adjunct to tra
ditional cytogenetic techniques that makes it possible to solve clinic
al cases of intricate unbalanced aberrations in a single hybridization
. CGH may also be a useful adjunct to screen for euchromatic involveme
nt in marker chromosomes. Further technical development may render CGH
applicable for routine aberration screening.