Occupational factors encountered in farming and other agricultural act
ivities produce a particular risk for respiratory diseases. For some,
such as extrinsic allergic alveolitis, diagnosis depends upon a range
of epidemiological, clinical, radiological and immunological arguments
. Farmer's lung is one of the most common form of extrinsic allergic a
lveolitis. Bird breeder's lung is another, the List is long. The envir
onmental allergens likely to affect alveoli and interstitial tissues h
ave been identified, but simple detection of antibodies does not const
itute a pathognomonic criterion of extrinsic allergic alveolitis. Co-i
mmuno-electrodiffusion is a rapid and sensitive technique for the demo
nstration of remarkable precipitating systems of extrinsic allergic al
veolitis. This investigation enables subjects who really have the dise
ase to be distinguished from contact subjects. Diagnosis is important
to prevent development of a disabling and irreversible pulmonary fibro