A two-dimensional electron system is expected to form a Wigner lattice
at zero temperature, but at very high electron densities even at T =
0 one expects a phase transition from a crystal to a gas phase. For a
Wigner lattice on a dielectric layer, a T = 0 melting was also predict
ed at very low electron densities. Here we explain both high- and low-
density phase transitions studying the behavior of an external electro
n added to the periodic potential of a Wigner lattice. The band struct
ure of this electron is calculated within a model of a quasi-two-dimen
sional lattice. The T = 0 melting criterion is derived, comparing the
chemical potentials of an additional electron when it joins the lattic
e or stays delocalized. Good qualitative agreement is found between ou
r results and those obtained from the quantum extension of the Kosterl
itz-Thouless melting theory.