A knowledge-based system has been developed for the evaluation of the
pedestrian-level wind environment around buildings. This paper present
s the system with emphasis on two of its major components dealing with
the utilization of meteorological records and the recommendation of r
emedies to improve the wind environment, for which statistical analyse
s and decision making techniques are applied. In conjunction with esta
blished aerodynamic models and discomfort wind criteria, statistics of
weather station data is utilized for predicting wind speeds and their
frequencies of exceedance. For wind conditions unacceptable for certa
in human activities, remedial measures are selected through a multi-ob
jective decision making process. A number of data bases have been buil
t for the estimation of weights and utility values related to aerodyna
mic efficiency as well as economic, architectural and functional aspec
ts. The paper demonstrates the feasibility of a knowledge-based approa
ch for predicting and improving the wind environment conditions at the
preliminary stage of building design and city planning.