The yet unknown exchange-correlation energy functional and the lack of
a systematic way to find such a functional has led to propose differe
nt expressions for exchange, on the one hand, and correlation on the o
ther, by several authors. A common factor in the design of exchange fu
nctionals is to reproduce different kinds of energies rather than the
important atomic shell structure. We present a strategy for testing th
e behavior of exchange functionals based on the reproduction of atomic
shell structure. A variety of well-known exchange functionals are tes
ted on He (closed shell), Li (open shell), and Be (closed subshell). I
mportant differences are found among them. Finally, we propose an exch
ange energy functional that includes a Becke-88-type expression and, i
n addition, a nongradient correction term that leads to improved shell
structure behavior. (C) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.