The concept of infinite-time admissibility of unbounded observation fu
nctionals is introduced. Under the assumption of exponential stability
of the semigroup, it is equivalent to finite-time admissibility recen
tly investigated in Weiss (1988 b, 1989). Necessary and sufficient cri
teria for admissibility are given. In particular, it is shown that the
Ho-Russell-Weiss (1988 b) test for admissibility of observation funct
ionals/control vectors can be derived in an elementary way without inv
oking the geometric interpretation of the Carleson measure, while the
criterion in Weiss (1991) can easily be deduced from the Carleson Embe
dding Theorem. Some practically applicable sufficient conditions guara
nteeing admissibility are discussed in 3. The results are illustrated
by a feedback system containing RLCG transmission line.