There is increasing concern about the predicted negative effects of th
e future doubling of carbon dioxide on the earth. This concern has evo
ked interest in the potential for urban greenspace to help reduce the
levels of atmospheric carbon. This study quantifies greenspace-related
carbon storage and annual carbon fluxes for urban residential landsca
pes. For detailed quantification, the scale of this study was limited
to two residential blocks in northwest Chicago which had a significant
difference in vegetation cover. Differences between the two blocks in
the size of greenspace area and vegetation cover resulted in consider
able differences in total carbon storage and annual carbon uptake. Tot
al carbon storage in greenspace was about 26.15 kg/m(2) of greenspace
in study block 1, and 23.20 k/m(2) of greenspace in block 2. Of the to
tal, soil carbon accounted for approximately 78.7% in block 1 and 88.7
% in block 2. Trees and shrubs in block 1 and block 2 accounted for 20
.8% and 10.6%, respectively. The carbon storage in grass and other her
baceous plants was approximately 0.5-0.7% in both blocks. Total net an
nual carbon input to the study blocks by all the greenspace components
was in the region of 0.49 kg/m(2) of greenspace in block 1 and 0.32 k
g/m(2) of greenspace in block 2. The principal net carbon release from
greenspaces of the two residential landscapes was from grass maintena
nce. Greenspace planning and management strategies were explored to mi
nimize carbon release and maximize carbon uptake. (C) 1995 Academic Pr
ess Limited