Quasielastic light scattering (QLS) in the glassy polymer poly(methylm
ethacrylate) is investigated in the temperature range 12-470 K. Raman
spectra were measured in the frequency interval 3-600 cm(-1). The deta
iled temperature dependence of the Raman intensity at some fixed frequ
encies, omega = 5, 8, 20 cm(-1) is obtained. The influence of the quen
ching on the QLS is investigated. It is shown that there are two chara
cteristic temperature regions with different dependences of the QLS in
tensity on temperature. The first one is for T < 50-80 K, where the re
duced Raman intensity increases with a characteristic activation energ
y of the order of 30 K. The second region is the high-temperature one:
T > 80-100 K. Here the relaxation time is nearly constant while the r
educed Raman intensity increases with an activation energy of the orde
r of 700 K up to the glass transition temperature T-g. The spectral de
pendence of the relaxation contribution, found by a subtraction of the
lowest-temperature (12 K) spectrum from the current one, I(T,omega)/(
n(omega)+1), demonstrates a relaxational beta peak which weakly depend
s on temperature. Its characteristic frequency is of the order of its
width and is equal to 8-10 cm(-1). The peak can be well fitted by a Lo
rentzian. The data obtained are considered within the frames of the ex
isting models of QLS.