Projects using Object Oriented technology typically fall into one of t
wo categories: either they are run with traditional project management
techniques, or they are run by ''technology experts'' who don't use a
ny project management techniques. This panel will attempt to give out
some hints as to how to be more successful managing OO projects. Quest
ions to be addressed include: How is Object Oriented Project Managemen
t different? Is a ''paradigm shift'' required for project management?
What aspects of Object Oriented project management should be stressed?
What are some tips, tricks or gotchas experienced by the panel member
s? Does a project manager need to be more technical to lead an Object
Oriented project? Should he/she have had previous experience with Obje
ct Oriented development? What are some alternate organizational struct
ures which would better support Object Oriented projects? What is the
nature of an Object Oriented life cycle and how is it different? Is th
ere a difference in techniques between different languages or between
different domains Audience members with relevant experience will be in
vited to sit on the panel in two ''guest'' seats.