To investigate the heterogeneity of hematogenous metastases of pancrea
tic ductal carcinomas, we investigated carcinomatous spread in 130 aut
opsy cases. Hepatic metastases occurred most frequently, in 81 cases (
62%), which may be explained by the fact that all veins draining the p
ancreas flow into the portal system. We closely examined the 49 cases
without hepatic metastases, Sixteen patients had pulmonary metastases
without hepatic metastases, whereas seven had peculiar hematogenous me
tastases without hepatic or pulmonary metastases, Fifteen of these 23
patients had pancreatic body carcinomas. The unusual patterns of sprea
d might be due to (a) hepatofugal portosystemic shunting induced by sp
lenic vein obstruction, (b) retrograde lymphatic infiltration from met
astatic tracheobronchial lymph nodes, or (c) aggressive characteristic
s of the tumors indicated by peculiar histologic features such as pleo
morphic or mucoepidermoid carcinoma, etc. Sixteen patients showed only
lymph node metastases and 10 had no distant metastases. Seventeen of
these 26 cases had pancreatic head carcinoma. Histologically, two pati
ents had mucinous cystadenocarcinomas, and six had adenocarcinomas pro
ducing rich mucin. The average age of the group with no distant metast
ases was higher.