We use observations of sunspots by the 15 m James Clerk Maxwell Telesc
ope (JCMT) for radiometry of sunspot umbrae and penumbrae. The observa
tions reported here, taking account of the effects of the far wings of
the JCMT's beam, show that sunspot umbrae and penumbrae vary consider
ably in brightness between one another. The sunspot umbra is typically
considerably dimmer than the quiet Sun but surrounded by a penumbra t
hat may be fully as bright as surrounding plage. Moreover, the vertica
l brightness temperature gradients of sunspot umbrae and penumbrae app
ear to be uniformly positive, roughly equivalent to that of the quiet
Sun. This gradient substantiates the operation of nonradiative heating
in the low chromospheres of the strongest magnetic regions visible on
the Sun's surface, i.e., sunspot umbrae.