The role of rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) in pulmonary disease is
unclear. We report one case of lung disease caused by RGM in a 6-year
-old child with cystic fibrosis. Mycobacterium chelonae was identified
and was susceptible only to kanamycin and clarithromycin. The child,
who clinically improved with clarithromycin, received treatment for 12
months and negativity of cultures was obtained. Diagnosis of lung dis
ease caused by RGM is based on microbiologic, histologic, radiographic
and clinical criteria. The majority of cases are caused by Mycobacter
ium chelonae abscessus. This organism is uniformly resistant to standa
rd antituberculosis drugs and many other antibiotics, but clarithromyc
in has excellent activity against it; clinical trials of this newer ma
crolide are ongoing to evaluate the role of this agent for treatment o
f M. chelonae abscessus lung disease.