Dy/Zr bilayers and multilayers were grown on oxydized Si(100) substrat
es by evaporation under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. X-ray and electro
n diffraction shows that both Zr and Dy layers are hexagonal, strongly
textured with the c-axis along the growth direction. The grains can e
xtend over several layers and have an in-plane diameter of about 200 A
ngstrom. The Dy lattice displays an in-plane compression of about 1.5%
. Interface profiles determined from high-resolution electron microsco
py studies are sharp, extending over less than 3 lattice spacings, Mag
netization measurements and polarized neutron reflectometry reveal a s
trong enhancement of T-C, accompanied with a suppression of the helica
l antiferromagnetic phase in the multilayer samples. This effect can b
e understood as the result of the change in the balance between exchan
ge and magnetoelastic energies caused by in-plane epitaxial compressio
n of the Dy lattice by Zr. A large out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy en
ergy is observed when the Dy layers are made thinner than 15 Angstrom.
Volume and interface contributions to this anisotropy compensate each
other for a Dy layer thickness of about 8 Angstrom. Comparison is mad
e between the results of crystal-field calculations based on the point
-charge approximation and the measured anisotropy energy.