Over an 18 month period, there were 4,720 paediatric admissions at the
Eldoret District Hospital in Western Kenya. The most frequent 20 dise
ases were identified and their respective case fatality rates calculat
ed. Malaria was the most common cause for admission (33.0%) but the fo
urth most common cause of death with a case fatality rate of 2.2%. The
overall mortality rate on the paediatric wards was 8.2% with 64.9% of
the deaths occurring within the first 24 hours of hospitalization. Th
ree-fourth of all admissions were due to four diseases: malaria, pneum
onia, gastroenteritis and measles. Targeted interventional programmes
aimed at these 4 diseases, coupled with a comprehensive primary health
care system, would most likely result in much less morbidity and mort
ality for the children in the district. The systems for routinely coll
ecting and storing medical records were found to be substandard, makin
g it very difficult to accurately monitor morbidity and mortality.