In previous studies, we have shown that in the hemoocclusive crisis of
sickle cell disease, red blood cells (RBC) develop reversible membran
e changes which may represent a thrombogenic surface for platelets. As
a result there is platelet activation and platelet derived procoagula
nt activity. Platelet activation is also enhanced when platelets come
into contact with stored RBC in comparison with freshly obtained red b
lood cells from normal individuals. Pentoxifylline (P, Trental (R)), a
trisubstituted xanthine derivative, acts on the red cell membrane and
decreases its effect on platelet activation. In addition, it may have
direct platelet aggregation inhibitory effects. By decreasing red cel
l ''stiffness'', it may also increase the circulating life span of sto
red red blood cells. It it suggested that pentoxifylline may be explor
ed as an additive in the preservation of RBC.