Taylor-type polycrystal plasticity models with various single slip har
dening laws are evaluated by studying the large strain behaviour of FC
C polycrystals during reversed torsion. The hardening laws considered
include the model of Asaro and Needleman (''Texture Development and St
rain Hardening in Rate Dependent Polycrystals,'' Acta Metall. (1985),
34, 1553) as well as a power-law and an exponential Version of that, a
nd a more recent model by Bassani and Wu (''Latent Hardening in Single
Crystals II. Analytical Characterization and Predictions,'' Proc. R.
Sec. Lend. (1991), A435, 21). The material parameters for the various
hardening laws are fitted to experimental compression data for copper
and then used to predict reversed large strain torsion of tubes. Diffe
rences under ''free-end'' (axially unconstrained) or ''fixed-end'' (ax
ially constrained) conditions between predictions and experimental obs
ervations are discussed in detail. In addition to the torque response,
the Swift effects upon twist reversal are studied. Copyright (C) 1997
Eisevier Science Ltd.