The acute effects of ethanol on the function of G protein in rat cereb
ral cortical membranes were examined using immunoblotting and photosen
sitive GTP labeling. Ethanol potentiated GppNHp-dependent activation o
f adenylyl cyclase and inhibition of forskolin-stimulated activity of
the enzyme in corticol membranes from Wistar rats. It also enhanced gu
anine nucleotide binding to Gs and Gi as estimated by photoaffinity la
beling. However, ethanol had no effects on the contents of Gs alpha, G
i(1) alpha and Gi(2) alpha, and G beta subunits. While it potentiated
Gi-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase in Wistar rats, ethanol had
no effect on the inhibitory regulation of the enzyme in the membranes
from Fischer 344 rats. These results suggest that ethanol in vitro en
hances both Gs and Gi functions in cerebral cortical membranes from Wi
star rats and that the Gi function in the cerebral cortex may be diffe
rentially regulated by ethanol in Wistar and Fischer 344 rats.