Typically, health risk assessment methodologies have been designed to
assess risks associated with exposure to individual chemicals through
one specific medium, such as air, water, or food. This is partly becau
se classical experimental methodology is used to study pure chemicals,
and partly because a majority of early promulgated environmental laws
(e.g., Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act) regulated chemicals in a given
matrix via a specific route. Often, however, exposures in the ambient
environment are through multiple routes, multiple media and to multip
le chemicals. Presented here is a multimedia framework that health ris
k assessors can use to identify significant human exposure levels (SHE
Ls) on a site-specific basis. This framework is presented in the conte
xt of a decision tree that links health guidance values such as minima
l risk levels (MRLs) with site-specific data, using a range of decisio
n-support models. It includes a provision to estimate a level of conce
rn by comparing the estimated total dose (exposures) with guidance val
ues established by the Agency, by other federal organizations, and by
basket-survey results. If a SHEL has been identified, a range of follo
w-up public health actions may be indicated (i.e., surveillance, healt
h education, or other preventive interventions). This framework serves
to (1) integrate the overall health assessment process, (2) evaluate
the need for public health interventions, (3) incorporate innovative d
ecision-support methods/models, and (4) demonstrate utility of such me
thods in public health practice and the pursuit of the Agency's missio