Safety aspects of several design options of long-life small safe fast
power reactors using nitride fuel and lead-bismuth as coolant are disc
ussed. In the present study hypothetical accidents are simulated for t
hese reactors, i.e., unprotected simultaneous ULOF (total loss of prim
ary primping system) and UTOP (rod run out transient over power) accid
ents, caused by the simultaneous withdrawal of ah control rods. The pr
oposed designs have some important safety characteristics such as low
reactivity swing (only 0.2-0.25$), and negative coolant void coefficie
nt over whole burnup period. Effectively negative value of all compone
nts of reactivity during an accident is observed. The safety performan
ces of the balance, pancake, and tall slender type of core, each of th
em satisfy reactivity and negative coolant void coefficient constraint
, against the above accident are compared. The simulation results show
that all of the design options can survive the above accidents withou
t the help of reactor scram and without the need of operator actions.
The margin to coolant boiling and fuel melting is large. From the para
metric survey results it is found that primary pump coastdown half tim
e and relative position of primary side outlet of SG to the inlet of t
he core can effectively influence the maximum coolant, cladding, and p
ellet temperature during accidents.