Variation in the number of nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) was anal
yzed in masu salmon fry belonging to two geographically distant popula
tions of the rivers Belaya (southern Sakhalin) and Edinka (northern Pr
imor'e). Differences between populations in average number of NORs wer
e detected. The number of NORs per cell varied from 1.59 to 2.73 in fi
sh from the river Belaya and from 1.36 to 2.30 in fish from the river
Edinka; the average number of NORs was 1.96 in females and 2.22 in mal
es from the river Belaya and 1.67 in females and 1.76 in males from th
e river Edinka. Data obtained in the study suggest the possibility of
employing Ag-NOR staining for karyological differentiation between mas
u salmon populations.