We studied retrospectively the cases of neurological forms of Lyme dis
ease observed in two internal and two neurological departments from 19
86 till 1993. Twenty five cases have been collected among 15 men and t
en women whose mean age was 61 years. Tick bites were previously notic
ed in 11 cases. Erythema chronicum migrans (ECM) was mentionned in 16
cases mostly on lower limbs. The mean time between ECM and the onset o
f neurological symptoms was less than 1 month in 11 cases, 2 months in
three cases, and 6 months in two cases. Neurological abnormalities we
re often associated in the same patient. Hyperalgic radiculitis (n = 1
6), mainly noticed in the ECM territory (n = 10) was only sensitive in
six cases and associated with motor deficit in ten. Atypical polyradi
culoneuritis was achieved in six cases. Clinical (n = 5) or biological
(n = 22) meningitis could occur: CSF was clear with pleiocytosis (132
per mm(3)), mainly lymphocytic, and hyperproteinorachia (1.2 g/l) wit
h normoglycorachia. An increase of the CSF immunoglobulins G with olig
oclonal fragmentation was noticed in 11 cases. Cranial neuropathy was
frequent: VII(n = 8), VI(n = 2), III, IV, VIII (n = 1). Encephalitis (
with white matter demyelination) resolved partially in two cases. Diag
nosis was always confirmed by Borrelia burgdorferi serology (indirect
immunofluorescence) with a significant increase of the antibodies tite
r (n = 17) or a CSF titer > 1/4 (n = 11). Syphilitic serology was alwa
ys negative. All patients were treated with parenteral beta lactamins
and four with corticosteroids. Outcome was favorable in 20 patients wi
th incomplete resolution of neurological symptoms in two patients.