Sample plots were evaluated by means of mycorrhizas and fine roots. As
evaluation criteria, the penetration by roots (density), the frequenc
y of mycorrhizas, the state of health of the fine roots and the mycorr
hizas, the number of different types of mycorrhizas, and abnormal form
s of growth were described. Judging from these criteria, the investiga
ted forest sites are in a good and stable condition. A correlation bet
ween parameters and altitude, between the density of fine roots and th
e use of pasture, and between the development of beech leaves and that
of mycorrhizas was proved. First results regarding the storage and ac
cumulation capacities of heavy metals in mycorrhizae are available. Fu
rthermore, it turned out that the development of beech leaves may be u
sed as an indicator of the processes going on in the root system.