INSULATOR DNAs, or boundary elements, functionally isolate neighbourin
g genes by blocking interactions between distal enhancers and inapprop
riate target promoters(1-5). The best-characterized insulators in Dros
ophila correspond to a 340-base-pair (bp) fragment from the gypsy retr
otransposon(3), and the scs and scs' sequences flanking the 87A1 hsp70
locus(1,2). Here we demonstrate that both insulators block the intera
ction of defined even-skipped (eve) stripe enhancers(6,7) when positio
ned between the enhancer and the target promoter. The simultaneous use
of two stripe enhancers (eve stripes 2 and 3) provides evidence that
enhancers lying distal to the insulator are selectively blocked. The i
nsertion of stripe- insulator-stripe sequences between two divergently
transcribed promoters indicates that enhancers barred from acting on
one basal promoter are fully accessible to appropriate regulatory fact
ors for activating the other promoter. These results suggest that insu
lators do not propagate changes in chromatin structure. Finally, we pr
esent evidence that the gypsy insulator does not block interactions be
tween a silencer element and a basal promoter, Taken together, these r
esults suggest that insulators might not be restricted to the function
al isolation of neighbouring genetic loci. Rather, they might function
as flexible regulatory elements that modulate enhancer-promoter inter
actions within complex promoters and complex genetic loci.