The diversity and population structure of potato landraces (Solanum sp
p.) within their center of domestication was studied using isozyme sur
veys of four polymorphic loci. The objective in assessing the distribu
tion of genetic diversity was to assist in planning conservation strat
egies of crop genetic resources that are threatened by genetic erosion
. In situ conservation methods depend on this type of analysis. Resear
ch was conducted in the region of Cusco, Peru. Eight fields spread amo
ng two microregions were randomly sampled, and 610 tubers were studied
from this sample. In addition 503 tubers were collected from markets
in seven different meso-regions (provinces) surrounding the regional c
enter of Cusco. Thirty genotypes were identified in the field sample a
nd 82 in the regional sample. The frequency and distribution of genoty
pes and alleles are described. A high degree of genotype endemism was
found at both the field and regional levels. Genotypes were unevenly d
istributed, and most of the genotypic diversity was between rather tha
n within populations. At the allele level, however, we found that a ve
ry high percentage of the diversity was within rather than between pop
ulations. The genotype is the key unit for maintaining the population
of potato landraces. Our findings suggest that collections need to be
both geographically extensive and intensive. Because farmers are able
to maintain most alleles on relatively small portions of their land, i
n situ conversation is a viable strategy.