E. Martinez et al., SPALLATION NEUTRON-SPECTRA MEASUREMENTS .2. PROTON RECOIL SPECTROMETER, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 385(2), 1997, pp. 345-353
We present the experimental method conceived to measure high energy ne
utrons in the range (200 less than or equal to E less than or equal to
1600 MeV). The neutrons produce recoil protons in a liquid hydrogen c
onverter. Momentum evaluation and identification of these protons are
made by using a magnetic spectrometer equipped with plastic scintillat
ors and three double-plane (X-Y) wire chambers. The response functions
of the apparatus are determined using quasi-monoenergetic neutron bea
ms produced by the break-up of deuterons or He-3 on a Be target. The p
erformance of the apparatus is illustrated in the form of a preliminar
y neutron spectrum.