Objective: To assess the likely impact on HIV incidence of increased c
ondom use, a reduction in casual sexual partners, treatment programmes
for other sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and combinations of the
se in rural Uganda. Methods: A simulation model for the transmission d
ynamics of HIV infection and STD was employed, drawing on data from a
rural population cohort in South-West Uganda with an HIV prevalence of
9% among adults in 1990. Results: For the scenario most consistent wi
th data from the study population, 39% of all adult HIV infections wer
e averted, in the 10 years from 1990, when condoms were used consisten
tly and effectively by 50% of men in their contacts with one-off sexua
l partners (such as bar girls and commercial sex workers). Reducing by
50% the frequency of men's sexual contacts with one-off partners aver
ted 68% of infections. Reducing by 50% the duration of all STD episode
s averted 43% of infections. Combining these three interventions avert
ed 82% of all adult infections in the 10 years from 1990. Conclusion:
A substantial proportion of HIV infections may be averted in general p
opulations through interventions targeted only on less regular sexual