At the floodplain scale, spatial pattern and successional development
of riparian vegetation are under the control of geomorphic processes.
The geomorphic and hydraulic characteristics of stream channels affect
the sorting of organic material and inorganic sediment through erosio
n/sedimentation during floods. In turn, the proportion of fine sedimen
ts fractions differs by location within a given community of riparian
forest succession. In this paper we tested the effect of geomorphic fe
atures of floodplains, through soil grain size sorting, on the nitroge
n cycling in riparian forest soils. Two typical riparian forests forme
d by vertical accretion deposits from repeated addition of sediments f
rom overbank Row have been chosen along the River Garonne, southwest F
rance. These riparian forests had equivalent vegetation, hood frequenc
y and duration, differing only in soil grain size composition one ripa
rian forest had sandy soils and the other had loamy soils. The evoluti
on of the main soil physical and chemical parameters as well as denitr
ification (DNT), N uptake (N-U) and mineralization (N-M) rates were me
asured monthly over a period of 13 months in the two study sites. The
loamy riparian forest presented a better physical retention of suspend
ed matter during floods, Moreover, in situ denitrification rates (DNT)
and N uptake by plants (N-U) measured in the loamy riparian forest so
ils were significantly greater than in the sandy soils. Although DNT a
nd N-U could be in competition for available nitrogen, the peak rates
of these two processes did not occur at the same period of the year, N
-U being more important during the dry season when DNT was minimum, wh
ile DNT rates were maximum following the spring floods. N retention by
uptake (N-U) and loss by DNT represented together the equivalent of 3
2% of total organic nitrogen deposited during floods on the sandy ripa
rian forest soils and 70% on the loamy ones. These significant differe
nces between the two sites show that, at the landscape level, one shou
ld not estimate the rates of N-U and DNT in riparian forests soils onl
y on the basis of vegetation, but should take also into account the ge
omorphic features of the floodplain.