The rise in tuberculosis (TB) has disproportionately affected specific
populations. Historically, many patients with TB became iatrogenic op
iate addicts through therapeutic use of these drugs for symptom contro
l. Demographic trends reshaped the relationship between drug use and T
B into one in which drug use became a risk factor for tuberculosis as
a result of the overlap of epidemiological and social factors associat
ed with both drug use and TB. The spread of human immunodeficiency vir
us infection has amplified the spread of TB among drug users. We revie
w the epidemiology of TB in drug users as well as the factors relevant
to screening and compliance in drug-using populations. Drug users con
stitute a high-risk group for whom screening, prevention of infection,
diagnosis, and treatment pose particular challenges. The development
of TB services capable of engaging drug users (those both in and out o
f drug treatment programs) has potential for disrupting a significant
chain of rapid TB transmission.