This review summarises and critically evaluates the literature pertain
ing to the actions of short fragments of the adrenocorticotropic hormo
ne (ACTH) ('melanocortins') on lesion-induced plasticity in the centra
l nervous system (CNS). The majority of the evidence suggests that mel
anocortins are more effective in enhancing recovery from lesions of su
bcortical structures than cortical structures, although there is subst
antial variability in findings depending upon the specific ACTH fragme
nt used and the way in which it is administered. Five specific melanoc
ortin (MC) receptors have been identified, however, the evidence to da
te suggests that short ACTH fragments may not enhance lesion-induced p
lasticity in the CNS via these MC receptor subtypes. It is possible th
at another, as yet unidentified, MC receptor subtype is involved, or e
lse that some short ACTH fragments act allosterically on another recep
tor type (e.g., the N-methyl-D-asparate (NMDA) receptor).