Sterols of different origin were analysed in sediment samples collecte
d in the Venice Lagoon. The purpose of the study was to investigate th
e degree of sewage contamination within the Lagoon using fecal sterols
(coprostanol, epicoprostanol and coprostanone) and to analyse the pat
tern of the sterols to plot the origin of the organic matter. Sediment
ary coprostanol at Canal Grande within the city of Venice was more tha
n one order of magnitude higher than other stations in the Lagoon and
two orders higher than in a sediment sample collected in the open sea.
The cholesterol/coprostanol ratio, like the percentage of coprostanol
in total sterols at this sample site was very similar to values in se
wage sludge. The different pattern of sterols at station 2 which had t
he largest amount of total sterol indicates a difference in the origin
of the organic material. Nevertheless the sterols used as tracer of t
errestrial vascular plants did not show any particular trend at this s
tation, receiving fresh water inputs. beta-sitosterol and cholestanol
reached the highest levels at the station within the Chioggia basin. C
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