A portion of the secular change of the geomagnetic field leads to a dr
ift of the trapped belt South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA). If this drift is
not taken into account, models of the trapped particle population giv
e erroneous predictions of particle fluxes. The dose rates measured on
two manned spacecrafts, Skylab (50 degrees inclination x 438 km orbit
) and Mir orbital station (51.65 degrees inclination x 400 km orbit),
were used to determine the drift rate of the SAA. The longitude and la
titude drift rates of the SAA as a whole, between 1973 and 1995, were
estimated to be 0.28 +/- 0.03 degrees W per year, and 0.08 +/- 0.03 de
grees N per year, respectively. These measurements are consistent with
determinations made using the AP8 models for radiation trapped belts
and are in excellent agreement with drift rates observed for the geoma
gnetic field.