In order to analyse the clinical characteristics and the principal cau
ses of osteoporosis in men. 81 osteoporotic males from an out-patient
rheumatology department were studied. Bone mass assessment? automated
biochemical profile and biochemical markers of bone turnover were perf
ormed in all patients, and hormonal measurements were taken when a spe
cific aetiology was not readily apparent. Sixty-three men (78%) had se
condary osteoporosis and 18 (22%) primary osteoporosis. Secondary caus
es of osteoporosis included hypogonadism (12 patients). corticosteroid
therapy (10 patients) and alcoholism (10 patients); the remaining pat
ients had various causes of osteoporosis. Eighteen patients had primar
y osteoporosis, eight of them with associated hypercalciuria. Normocal
ciuric patients showed lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 1-25-hydroxyvitam
in D levels than the control group, whereas hypercalciuric patients ha
d lower parathyroid hormone and renal threshold for phosphate excretio
n. In 69 patients (85%), back pain was the chief complaint. Forty-five
of these 69 patients (65%) had chronic back pain and 24 (35%) had sub
acute episodes. Fifty per cent of the patients with chronic back pain
had vertebral fractures. Both patients with and without chronic back p
ain were found to have a similar number of vertebral fractures. In con
clusion, male osteoporosis is frequently associated with major risk fa
ctors. Patients with primary osteoporosis may have associated hypercal
ciuria or decreased vitamin D levels. However, not all the patients fo
r whom back pain was the chief complaint were found to have vertebral