The polarization data of the radio galaxy NGC 4869, belonging to the C
oma cluster and located in its central region, allow us to obtain info
rmation on the structure of magnetic field associated with the cluster
itself. A magnetic field of less than or equal to 8.3h(100)(1/2) mu G
, tangled on scales of the order of less than 1 kpc, is required to ex
plain the observed fluctuations of the rotation measure. This magnetic
field is more than one order of magnitude stronger than the equiparti
tion value obtained for Coma C. This implies that the halo source Coma
C may not be at the equipartition. Moreover, the need of efficient re
acceleration mechanisms for the electrons radiating in Coma C is stron
ger. The energy supply to the Coma C radiating electrons is probably p
rovided by the cluster merger process.