Purpose: To determine the in vitro wear resistance and microstructural
stability of composites in which the beta quartz insert was used. Mat
erials and Methods: Three different sized inserts were used in conjunc
tion with P-50 and Herculite XR posterior resin composites. The study
was designed to create varying gap dimensions between the insert and w
all of the preparation (0.75, 1.25 and 1.50 mm). In addition, one half
of the inserts contacted the dentin floor of the cavity whereas the o
ther half rested on 1.0 mm of composite. The controls consisted of rei
n composite only. Using an in vitro wear testing device, all specimens
were subjected to 400,000 cycles of masticatory loading. Upon complet
ion of testing, profilometric tracings and SEM were used to determine
relative wear, patterns of wear and microstructural changes. Differenc
es in wear values were analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Results: The wear va
lues for P-50 and Herculite XR controls were 24.8 and 31.3 mu m, respe
ctively. No significant differences were detected (P<0.05) in amount o
f wear between the control specimens and the insert specimens, regardl
ess of size, The same results were obtained regardless of whether the
insert rested on dentin or resin composite. SEM evaluations however, r
evealed excellent interfacial continuity after wear testing. While the
inserts did not influence the wear resistance, they may provide an ex
cellent means for maintaining functional occlusion.