Central nervous system involvement is a common but rarely reviewed fea
ture of pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), We retrospective
ly reviewed the charts of 91 patients with pediatric SLE and using a s
tandardized data abstraction form documented 40 patients with central
nervous system (CNS-SLE) involvement, The mean age of onset of SLE was
13.3 years, In 19 patients the CNS manifestation was a presenting sym
ptom, in 12 patients CNS involvement was present within the first year
of diagnosis, and in 9 patients it took up to 7 years for CNS disease
to become evident, Nineteen children (48%) manifested neuropsychiatri
c SLE, which included depression, concentration or memory problems, an
d frank psychosis, Seizures were present in 8 patients (20%), 6 had ce
rebral ischemic events (15%), 1 had chorea (3%), 2 had papilledema (5%
), and 2 patients had a peripheral neuropathy (5%). Nine patients (22%
) had severe headache consistent with lupus headache, Seven children h
ad more than one CNS manifestation, In the investigation of CNS-SLE, c
omputed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging scans were helpfu
l in patients with focal ischemic lesions and venous sinus thrombosis,
Electroencephalography was abnormal only in 33% of patients with seiz
ure disorders and rarely helpful in patients with diffuse neuropsychia
tric symptoms, Single-photon emission computed tomography scans were a
bnormal in most patients with neuropsychiatric SLE, especially in thos
e with frank psychosis, The lupus anticoagulant was present in the pat
ient with chorea and was frequently present in patients with cerebral
vascular events, Long-term outcome was good: only 1 child died of cere
bral hemorrhagic infarction and 3 others had significant persistent CN
S deficits, The majority of patients (90%) had excellent recovery from